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The Spring Holy Days Observance

Passover is the oldest, continuously observed religious Holy Day on the planet!




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Respect is what we owe, 
love is what we give.

Bread and wine are ancient Godly symbols
that date back to Abraham and Melchizedek, Gen.14:18.


The Biblical Holy Days where designed by our CREATOR 
to be home Worship affairs with family and friends.
 In Christianity it is called "Table Fellowship," 
and it is modeled after the Last - Passover - Supper.

           Palm Sunday officially begins the Holy Day season.  These days just before Passover are a busy time of decision and preparation. The historical lesson is taken from 2Kings 23:19-22 where King Josiah raged through Israel like a tornado cleaning out the pagan altars from the land, even YAHWEH was impressed with his Passover preparation. And Yahshua spent His last days arranging His activities around the events associated with the selection, testing, and death of the Passover lamb by presenting His most controversial and challenging teachings. 

        The Passover is observed annually on the 14th day of the 1st month Abib/Nisan (March-April), Lev.23:4-5.  It is a solemn time, a memorial service, because there is death in the air.  Death is the price paid for freedom.  Knowing we will soon be free of slavery, the day also brings an anxious and joyous feeling. 

            Passover celebrates freedom!  This symbolism, of freeing the faithful from the shackles of a satanic slave system, has inspired many brave men and women, in many lands throughout the ages, in their struggle for freedom.

            This appointed time was very important to YAHWEH.  It is mentioned 48 times in the Hebrew Bible and 28 times in the New Testament.  The Passover observance is so important that it is the only Holy Day listed with a provision for observing it exactly one month later if you miss it the first time (Num.9:10-11).

           The history of Passover officially begins with the “blood of the lamb” that frees the ancient Israelites from slavery.  The spiritual symbolism pictures the faithful Believers freed by justification of YAHWEH and redeemed by the Messiah.  Both events are symbolized through the Passover observance. 

            Redeemed means that something has been bought back from the marketplace.  

           Justification means that someone has been judged and found not-guilty.

            The Believers of YAHWEH have been found not guilty.  Our sins washed away in the sea of forgetfulness.  This is a good thing for the spiritual bank account.  Your position before YAHWEH now changes - for the better!

 BEWARE: We are justified, found not guilty - for the time being.  Now we have to stay that way, and we do that by accepting HIS guidance and “putting on” a new person to insure our freedom.  This also is important to the Christian church, as there are many New Testament references teaching justification, Romans 3:24-28, 4:25, 5:1-9, 8:30; Galatians 2:16-17.  If we accept the ruling than we must respect HIS position of authority.  

           Passover is the oldest, continuously observed religious holiday on the planet.  There are Biblical hints that Passover extends all the way back to the first family when Abel made an offering of firstlings of his flock of sheep (Gen.4:3-7).  Today’s official Passover observance is a 3,500-year-old tradition which began in the time of Moses.  The instructions for Passover are in Exodus ch.12-13.

            In the Roman time of Yahshua, Jerusalem was a very busy place during the Holy Days, as it swelled to nearly five times its normal population of 125,000.  The Jews were joined by many people, from many nations, some had journeyed great distances.  The miles are long and hard in the desert, but they came from many lands to gather in Jerusalem to show their respect to the CREATOR at Herod’s Temple.

            YAHWEH’S Passover Rite dramatically entered the world stage with the blood of lamb protecting the Hebrew people from the Death Angel in Egypt, freeing the people from slavery.  It continues with the death of the Messiah as the innocent “lamb of GOD” redeeming [a-l-l] humanity from the slavery of sin. “. . . Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us [all]. . .” 1Corinthians 5:7.  

It’s not: What would Jesus do?
It’s: What did Jesus do?

"Keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you."  - 1 Corinthian 11:2

              Yahshua not only observed Passover, but as prophecy foretold, He fulfilled it!   “Good things come to those who wait,” and the hope of a redeeming Messiah was a long awaited spiritual event going back in time thousands of years.  It was given first to Adam (Gen.3:15), and is a concept recorded in one of the oldest books of the Bible, Job 19:25-26, “For I know my redeemer liveth . . .”

            The death of Yahshua exactly fulfills the prophecy of the suffering messiah given by Prophets Isaiah ch.53 and Daniel 9:26.  For the Christians, it represents that Yahshua fulfilled the Laws of Redemption, making available the hope of eternal life for all humanity (Jno.1:29).  

 The Passover observance was commanded by Yahshua, he clearly stated, “. . . Do this in remembrance of me” (Luk.22:19).   The concept of freedom from slavery continues in the New Covenant but on a higher level.  Yahshua freed our spirits from slavery to the dark side. 

           The slaying of the lamb at Passover, foreshadowed the greater redemption found in YAHWEH’S anointed lamb.  For those who can hear, John the Baptist’s introduction of Yahshua at His baptism was loaded with meaning.  This prophetic statement was fulfilled on this very day of Passover: “Behold the Lamb of GOD which taketh away the sins of the world” (Jno.1:29). 

            His death is our memorial observance, but we also celebrate His freedom and His message of hope for the future.  This Holy Day teaches the New Covenant congregation a very special personal one-on-one spiritual message.  It is an everlasting commitment of a future Heavenly wedding ceremony of the faithful church to the Messiah, witnessed by the FATHER, HIS faithful Angels and the Old Testament Saints.

           Yahshua did not keep the Passover as the Pharisees did.  He kept it as the Holy Scriptures command, on the evening of the fourteenth (the Pharisees kept it on the fifteenth).  He commemorated it based on directives in Exodus ch.12, by eating three things: lamb - symbolizing redemption; unleavened bread - which pictures sanctification; and bitter herbs - which is the reminder of the bitterness of slavery to evil.  Jewish rabbis added numerous other elements forming the Seder service commonly know today.

            Twilight signals the start of a new day, and this night was extra special.  It was the night of Passover, and the Disciples were nervous.  There were rumors of assassination.  They knew there was trouble in the air.  Yahshua was anxious, it had been a tough week and He was up early.  It was going to be a long day of tending to many last minute details.  Knowing this would be His last Passover with His beloved Disciples, He sincerely desired to make this a quiet, intimate, and memorable meeting (Luk.22:15).

            He loved His Disciples - His church - and their last formal meeting was sensitive and sentimental.  In a way it was a romantic goodbye.  It did not make them feel any better when He told them that His mission was completed and He was to be leaving soon.  To symbolize hope, He added a small and simple, proposal ceremony toward the end of the Passover meal.  In Christianity today, it is called the Communion service or the Eucharist.  The Disciples understood what He was doing, but the real symbolic meaning of the ceremony has been ignored or lost by most of the Christian world.  It is the proposal phase of a Jewish wedding custom of the time. 

            The Jewish wedding custom, at this time in history, is a marvelous insight into the very essence of pure Christianity.  The symbolism is rich in meaning and romance, and it is a shame to the Christian teachers, that most of the faithful miss this wonderful Heavenly lesson.  The spiritual symmetry is so perfect it will bring you to tears.  I included it as a separate web page called “The Mystery of the Bride.” 

           Satan is damn cunning, today the Jews celebrate Passover without realizing it is really communion, and the Christians celebrate communion without realizing it is really Passover!  

            In home Worship for the high Holy Day of Passover, white linen - the symbol of righteousness - decorates the table and the best dishes are used.  The woman of the house kindles the two candles and says, “Blessed art thou YAHWEH who sanctifies us by your Passover.”  After the meal, the head of the house would reenact Yahshua’s ceremony as a yearly renewal of the marriage contract.  

            At the end of the Passover meal, Yahshua took a slice of unleavened bread, and then He recited the traditional Hebrew blessing over it to sanctify it: “Blessed are you oh YAHWEH our FATHER, King of the Universe who brings forth bread from the earth.”  Then He broke it, and gave it to them saying: “Take, eat, this is my body given for thee.”  He was not quoting poetry, He was declaring the purchase price for the redemption of humanity - His life!

            Today the perfect Passover/Communion bread is the Matzoh.  The symbolism is marvelous, it is unleavened, as our Messiah was - sinless.  It has stripes - as by his stripes are we healed (Isa.53:5).  It is pierced with holes - someday everyone will know whom they have pierced (Zec.12:10). 

            For those who like to get their hands into the dough, baking unleavened bread is easy.  My wife Denise will relay the recipe: "The ingredients are 3 tablespoons of honey, 1 cup of oil, 1½ cups of milk, 7 cups of flour and 2 teaspoons of salt.  Blend the honey, oil and milk together.  Then stir in the remaining ingredients.  Knead the dough lightly.  Roll out on a floured board.  Pick-up the dough by placing it over the rolling pin and position it on a cookie sheet.  I like to use parchment paper on the cookie sheet since it makes clean up easy.  Cut into squares and make a few holes in each piece with a fork.  You can brush the top with an egg wash for a golden brown color and sea-salt lightly if desired.  Bake in a 325-degree oven for 20 to 30 minutes.  It’s great when it’s still warm!"

            Next, Yahshua picked up a wine cup and recited the traditional sanctification blessing for wine over it: “Blessed are you oh YAHWEH our FATHER, King of the Universe, who brings forth the fruit of the vine.”  Now blessed, the ordinary wine cup becomes the “Cup of the Covenant.”  Then He said, “Drink for this is my blood of the New Covenant shed for you, and for the many - for the remission of sins,” and then He passed “the Cup” to His Disciples for them to take a drink.  Drinking the “Cup of the Covenant,” means you accept His proposal: His offer of redemption, and His offer to become citizens with a special purpose in His Kingdom (Mat.26:26; Mar.14:22-25; Luk.22:19-20).  It means you are part of the Covenant, and you are protected (Rom.8:38-39).  

WARNING: "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord's table and of the table of demons."  -1Cor.10:21.

           The content of the Cup of the Covenant is not without its controversy, some purists today say it was grape juice - not wine.  The Bible does not condemn wine or strong drink.  What it condemns is drunkenness, or losing control of yourself.  In the Bible, wine was a symbol of joy, and no one would have a wedding or thanksgiving feast without it. 

            It is also one of the finest symbols of our CREATOR’S cleverness.  The organic technology behind grapes is one of our CREATOR’S most ingenious inventions, because the fermentation yeast is included on the outside skin of the grape.  All one has to do is crush the grape and the juice goes on its Heavenly design to become wine.  As a matter of fact, something underhanded has to be done, like complicated pasteurization, to prevent it from becoming wine. 

            It is true that there were some exotic methods to produce only grape juice in ancient times, but it was scarce, and the cost was beyond the means of the normal Hebrew family.  Besides, many forget, that the tradition of the Jewish wedding proposal of ancient times requires that the bride-to-be has to drink from a wine cup, if she accepts the marriage proposal!

           The final step Yahshua made in the ceremony, is an example few Christians or Jews will venture into, He washed the feet of His beloved Disciples (Jno.13:1-20).  This symbolic washing of another’s feet shows humility in service to our brethren. 

           It takes a humble, but great character, to wash the feet of your loved ones.  How many husbands would wash the feet of their wives or visa-versa?  The sage would say: “to serve and being served, are folds of the same cloth.” 

           The symbolic picture of this simple lesson illustrates the fundamental difference between YAHWEH’S Government and man’s government.  No king or president would wash the feet of his people, as Yahshua did.  Thereby illustrating that YAHWEH’S Government truly serves the people, not the other way around where the people serve the government.

           Relevant Bible verses: Exodus ch.12-13; Matthew ch.26-27; Mark ch.14-15; Luke ch.22-23; John ch.13-14.  Psalms 113, 114 were sung before the Passover, and 115-118 following it.  

[ Click for The Christian Passover ]

 The Passover prophetically pictures a promise for a future Passover with our Messiah, in the Kingdom with all of His faithful in attendance (Mat.26:29; Mar.14:25; Luk.22:18).

            Sometime in the future the Antichrist will counterfeit the Messiah’s steps and try to fulfill as many messianic prophecies as possible.  On this day he will stage a fake death either by assassination or some type of accidental death in an effort to impersonate the wounded Messiah (Isa.53:5-6; Rev.13:3).

           “Coincidental dates?”  YAHWEH makes a Covenant with Abraham and reveals the promised land (Gen.15:18).  The Passover supper is eaten in preparing for the Exodus (Exo.12:41).  The first Passover in Canaan - the Covenant renewed (Jos.5:3-12).  The Book of the Law was discovered and reaffirmed under Josiah (2Chr.34:14-31).  The dedication of the Second Temple (2Chr.36:19).  The Last Supper - the New Covenant is affirmed in the Messiah (Luk.22:19-20).

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        The Days of Unleavened Bread begins on the 15th day, and are observed for seven days, with the first and last days a Holy convocation, Lev.23:6-8.  Death has passed - we are alive!  We are justified in the eyes of GOD!  Now we must purge out the leaven of sin and rejoice over the wonderful new year ahead! 

           The term Holy convocation has added some confusion to this Holy Day season because, technically speaking, Passover is not a Holy convocation, it is the “night to be much observed” (Exo.12:42).  Except for the night time, it is okay to work on the Passover day.  The Bible says the fifteenth day is a Holy convocation.  For some reason the ancient rabbis have ignored verse 5 and merged their Passover observance into the first Days of Unleavened Bread.  They made it one seven day holiday period called the Feast of Passover, with all Jews performing a Seder on the first night, and some on the first two nights, beginning on the fifteenth day of the month.

           The history of the Days of Unleavened Bread is as long as Passover.  The first day represents the time when the Hebrews were finally freed from the terrible bondage of Pharaoh and embarked on their long trek out of Egypt to YAHWEH’S promised land.  In the Bible, this age of Egypt is associated with leaven, sin, and a terrible life of bondage. HIS people were to be separate from Egypt and the world system they represented.  

            The beginning of the exodus began in surprise.  After the horrific Passover night the Hebrew people were finally freed.  The very next morning the word was given, you are free!  Pack your things together and get, while the gettin’ is good!  The bread was made in “haste,” there was no time to let it sit and rise.  This type of bread is called unleavened bread, and it was the main stay of life during the exodus.  The example of the exodus represents that the Hebrews will put off “that old life,” including the philosophies and ways of sinful Egypt, and “live as separate righteous people unto YAHWEH.”

            The seventh day, which is the last day of this Holy period, the people crossed the Red Sea to finally be free from the terrors of Egypt.  After passing through the Red Sea, they completed their exodus.  They were now separated and their sins washed away.  They were baptized by the waters of the Red Sea and ready to receive the knowledge of the Kingdom.

            The exodus is also symbolic of leaving this puffed up, phony material world behind, and start a new beginning of walking a GODLY path in ones life.  YAHWEH is not only interested in your freedom, but also in your spiritual condition.  HE is not a gotcha kind of GOD trying to keep you out of Heaven, He cares about what you are going to be.  HE wants to teach you to transform your condition, to be baptized and reborn into a new understanding.

           Bread is ancient in its GODLY symbolism and is esteemed by all cultures.  Everything done with it, from sowing the seeds, to the baking of it, was done in reverence to GOD.  Bread was called the staff and stay of life (Isa.3:1).  It was universal, all classes of people, rich or poor, in all parts of the ancient world, understood the necessity of the bread of life. 

            The purpose of bread is to give life to the eater.  This is the theme behind the spiritual lessons of bread, to give new life to the spiritual body.  Just after the exodus, Moses and the people had their years of “wandering in the wilderness,” during that time YAHWEH sent the people bread from Heaven (Exo.16:4-5).  It energized, enlightened, and encouraged the people.  It was called “the bread of the mighty,” or “the angel’s food,” more commonly know today as manna which came from Heaven.

            Some time later when Yahshua came and said, “. . . I am the bread of life . . . which cometh down from Heaven . . .” (Jno.6:47-51), His followers instantly knew the spiritual symbolism behind His statement. 

 The yearly observance teaches us to be humble and temper our lofty pride and to curb our desire to be important.  The lesson cautions us not to indulge in triumphalism, dogmatism, or overconfidence. 

            The symbolism of bread was very important to the CREATOR.  In the Tabernacle/Temple it was to be displayed at all times (Exo.25:30).  Yahshuas’ life continued this symbolism.  He was born in Bethlehem, in Hebrew it is called Beth Lechem, meaning House of Bread.  He continually used the image of bread and growing grain in His teachings. 

           In one of His most famous miracles, the feeding of the 5,000, Yahshua literally showed that He is the “bread of life,” and he who “eats the bread of life will live forever” (Jno.6:47-51).  When He died, He was wrapped in white linen and buried in the earth, and managed to do it on this very Holy Day of Unleavened Bread.  And finally, He rose, He was “brought forth from the earth.” 

           To the New Covenant congregation, Paul said: “Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened.  For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.  Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” 1Corinthians 5:7-8.  This passage clearly shows Paul teaching that “keeping the Feasts” is not just for the Jews but also for the new Christians. 

          Many people believe the sun shines through their bellybuttons.  It is the center of the universe syndrome.  The Apostle Paul was admonishing the congregation to perform a personal spiritual housecleaning, to humble ourselves, to purge out false teachings and redirect our spiritual path in the footsteps of our Messiah’s living example (1Pet.2:21).  Some of the things to “put off” during the spiritual house cleaning are the sinful nature, “the works of the flesh,” a list is found in Galatians ch.5.

           Abstaining from eating leavened products depicts the ongoing personal responsibility of every Believer to abstain from sin, this process is called “personal sanctification.” 

          In the Bible leavening is symbolic of the sin of pride.  Proud, vain, boastful, big ego, are the opposites of  “walking humbly with your GOD.”  All the people would understand the simple analogy of leavening - puffed up bread - is symbolic of puffed up people.  This is a “biggie” message from our CREATOR.  First at Passover, HE dazzles us with miracles while learning to fear spiritual death, and now we will spend seven days of our daily life in a spiritual “walk in the newness of life” (Rom.6:4).  Tempering our personalities, through focusing on this ungodly characteristic of pride in humanity. 

           The leaven (sin) must be cleansed from our dwellings (and hearts).  To physically commemorate the Seven Days of Unleavened Bread, all food items (except animal food) containing leavening products were put out of the house and not eaten during these Holy Days.  Leavening is yeast, baking soda and baking powder, which is used in bread, cookies, cakes, etc.  It takes some planning and preparation, the house must be cleaned, almost sterilized, of every crumb of bread or anything that has leavening in it - every speck of sin must be purged. 

            Removing sin from the house is a tough job.  Preparations for this eight-day Holy festival was normally completed before Passover.  Everything is cleaned and scrubbed, it gives new meaning to the term spring cleaning.  The historical lesson is taken from 2Kings 23:19-22 where King Josiah raged through Israel like a tornado cleaning out the pagan altars from the land, even YAHWEH was impressed with his Passover preparation.  This is serious deep cleaning, leavening must be removed from every hiding place, from every corner of the house, from the back of the cabinets, to behind the refrigerator, under the sofa, etc. 

            It may take a couple of days to thoroughly clean sin out of the house and it is a family affair.  The husband does the heavy lifting, and the young children who are just learning ask, “why are we throwing out all the good stuff to eat?”  The spiritual lesson begins for the children as a game of hide-and-seek.  Search and find the little crumb of sin, catch it and throw it into the fire, then watch sin burn up (as it will be in the future judgment time).  

 HEALTH BENEFIT: Some people are less then meticulous in their personal habits. This is spring cleaning for the spirit and the soul.  It would be easy to dismiss all this housecleaning and say it is the purity of the heart that counts, but our CREATOR knows keeping your clothes and living quarters clean will help in promoting vigorous health.  Good health responds well to the spiritual exercises of housecleaning with loved ones. 

           It is interesting to note that during the black death plague of Europe’s middle ages, the rabbis passed the word to get the dwellings of the faithful Passover clean (Lev.ch.13-15).  The Jews listened and cleaned out their slums.  Their mortality rates were only 5-10% of the population compared to Europeans much higher numbers.  Do you think the Roman-Christians opened up their Bibles and learned?  Fahgeddaboutit!  They figured the Jews were in league with the devil to curse them and promptly began to kill them.

            It only took about 3,500 years for the rebellious humans to learn the Biblical lessons of cleanliness and sanitation.  It is a great example of how “governments will always do the right thing - after they have exhausted all other possibilities.”     

 The Days of Unleavened Bread prophetically pictures the time in the Kingdom, when after partaking of the promised future Passover with our Messiah in YAHWEH’S main hall, He will lead all His faithful to new Heavenly mansion and headquarters built especially for them.

           “Coincidental dates?”  On the first day, the exodus journey from the bondage of Egypt began.  On the last day, the Hebrew people marched through the Red Sea to safety (Deu.16:3).  The final fall of the first revolt of Jewish resistance at Massada happened on this day (Flavius Josephus War of the Jews).

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        The Feast of Firstfruits is observed on the first Sunday after Passover, during the seven days of Unleavened Bread, Lev.23:9-14.  It is a joyous feast day, celebrating the resurrection of the righteous!

           The history began with the Hebrew people making an offering to YAHWEH of the very best of their first early spring harvest.  This ancient offering was rich in spiritual symbolism and it pictured “a shadow of things to come.”  We all know the expression, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”  YAHWEH uses visual aids to communicate HIS spiritual object lessons more clearly.  The ancient Israelites were basically an agricultural-based society.  YAHWEH uses this imagery to teach them spiritual lessons they easily can relate to and understand. 

            In their lessons associated with the individual Holy Days, YAHWEH uses their everyday experience of farming and harvesting as symbols with a higher spiritual meaning.  For example on this Holy Day, this small and early agricultural harvest offered to YAHWEH represents a future small harvest of the first righteous souls.

            These are all symbolic spiritual lessons of a future reality, and all the Holy Days together reveal the great master plan . . ., and the great promise . . ., which give us hope . . ..

           The original name “Firstfruits has much greater symbolism.  It means that there is an order to things, if there is a “first” then there must be a second, and a third, etc.  And that is the essence of Christian hope, to be called worthy in the next harvest of spirits (Rom.8:11). 

            The secrets of the resurrections are thoroughly illuminated by the Apostle Paul in 1Corinthians 15:20-23,“But now is Christ risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.”  Verse 23, “But each in his order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming.”

 The yearly observance reminds the faithful that this was the day when Yahshua was raised and presented the first harvest of redeemed spirits (the Old Testament Saints) to YAHWEH (Mat.27:52-53).  The Christians generally know this day as Resurrection Sunday because Yahshua rose from the dead on this day.  Today it is generally known as Easter based from the Roman times where it adapted some Greek pagan fertility rites of the goddess Ishtar. 

           Today, most Jews do not even acknowledge this day and they call the whole Holy Day season the Feast of Passover, usually performing a Seder on the first two nights.  During the Passover observance, dinner is late, and the anticipation is high.  As the dinner hour arrives, the family gathers around a very special table setting.  The candles are lit.  The wine cups are full.  And the unleavened bread is in place.  Now all eyes look to the youngest family member who is old enough to read.  

"And it shall be when your son will ask you at some future time,
‘What is this?’ you shall say to him,
‘With a mighty hand God took us out of Egypt,
from the house of bondage.
Exodus 13:14

            They all know which child it is.  The good looking but seemly nervous little one.  The child stands up, and in front of everyone present, asks the father the “Four Questions.”  The tradition comes from the command in Exodus 12:26 and 13:14 to include the children in the observance.  And Proverbs 22:6 states: “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

            The “Four Questions” the Jewish children ask are: Why is this night different?  Why do we eat bitter herbs?  Why do we dip the bitter herbs twice?  Why do we sit reclined?

            The questions are related to the plight of the Hebrew people in their time of slavery while in Egypt, and the father answers the questions while telling the complete story of the deliverance from slavery.  This is all staged.  The questions are put to memory in advance.  And it is a very anxious moment for the child, being the focal point in this special event.  This early experience of standing in front of a group and talking is great Biblical training, laying tracks for adulthood and the business world of tomorrow.

            Contrast that to the Roman spirit training for children: Because it is spring, and the trees get new leaves, they all wear new spring outfits, all the while fidgeting (it is a long hour) through the obligatory church service.  Then after church great rejoicing begins as the children collect candy, chocolate bunnies, and hunt for colorful Easter eggs.  After the Easter egg hunt, families come together for a large Easter ham dinner.  If enough grownups showed up for the festivities, the main table would be full and the kids lucked out by having another table all to themselves - with no grownups looking over their shoulders.  This is not our CREATOR’S idea of spiritual training for children.

 The day prophetically pictures the called out faithful of the Church of the Messiah, now being presented to YAHWEH as the second-fruits harvest of righteous souls of Earth.

           “Coincidental dates?”  It is interesting to note that this day has had other amazingly symbolic resurrection events unfolding on this yearly anniversary date: On this day the Ark rested on Mount Ararat and the human race was resurrected following the flood (Gen.8:4). 

            And almost two thousand years later, Moses led the Hebrew people through the Red Sea to be resurrected as a nation from the death bondage of Egypt. 

            Forty years later Israel crossed the Jordan river, and the people enjoyed the Firstfruits of the promised land (Jos.5:10-12).

            While under Persian rule the entire nation of Jews found themselves trapped in a satanic plot of annihilation.  Through the courage of Esther they were rescued from certain death and given life in a great story of deliverance restoring the nation of Israel to their land (Book of Esther).

And now the resurrection of the Messiah (1Cor.15:20).

Just a coincidence?  
Or is the CREATOR showing us that HE is in charge 
by precisely and symbolically fulfilling HIS prophecies?

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From the book  The Mystical Rites of our CREATOR  ISBN 0-9675266-0-4

Copyright © 2000-2009 White Stone Communications - HomeWorship101.com
Last modified: April 22, 2011

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