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The Biblical Sabbatical and Jubilee Years 

"Proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants..."




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Sabbatical and Jubilee Years


The Sabbatical Year...
The LORD spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, saying,
"Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: 
'When you come into the land which I give you, 
then the land shall keep a Sabbath to the LORD.
 'Six years you shall sow your field, 
and six years you shall prune your vineyard, 
and gather its fruit;
'but in the seventh year there shall be 
a Sabbath of solemn rest for the land, 
a Sabbath to the LORD. 
You shall neither sow your field 
nor prune your vineyard.
'What grows of its own accord of your harvest 
you shall not reap, 
nor gather the grapes of your untended vine, 
for it is a year of rest for the land...." - Lev.25:1-7

The Jubilee Year...

"And you shall count seven Sabbaths of years for yourself, 
seven times seven years; 
and the time of the seven Sabbaths of years 
shall be to you forty-nine years.
'Then you shall cause the trumpet of the Jubilee to sound 
on the tenth day of the seventh month; 
on the Day of Atonement 
you shall make the trumpet to sound 
throughout all your land.
And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, 
and proclaim liberty throughout all the land 
to all its inhabitants. 
It shall be a Jubilee for you; 
and each of you shall return to his possession, 
and each of you shall return to his family...."
- Leviticus 25:8-55

Imagine having all your debts forgiven.

          In ancient times these Holy Days were eagerly anticipated, and celebrated in joy and merriment.  The Sabbatical year, called in Hebrew the "Shemmittah" year, are fully described in Exodus 23:10-11, Leviticus 25:1-7, and Deuteronomy 15:1-6. The highlights are that once every 7 years the food producing lands rest, and all debts are cancelled. After 7 Sabbatical years, on the 50th year is the Jubilee year, called in Hebrew the "Yovel," translated the ram's horn, or trumpet year, because the blowing of the shofar announced the year, (Lev.25:8-55). The highlights are that the land has a second year's rest, the title of the land reverts back to it's original owner, and all slaves are liberated.

          The Hebrews - like most Christians or believers - had a kind of love hate relationship with the Laws of the Bible. Some they lived with and revered, and some they hated, or at the very least ignored. These two Holy periods were such laws. In the years after Moses they kept them, but in time they were for the most part ignored, and eventually they were punished for it. Even after returning to the land from  their Babylonian captivity they continued to ignore the Holy Years, (2Chr.36:17-21; Jer.29:10). 

         Some Laws of YHWH govern personal and community morality, such as the Ten Commandments, these Laws govern the land and commerce. For example, the Sabbatical year was every 7th year which was a Sabbatical rest for the land. This means do not farm it. Let the land lie fallow.  What ever grew on it's own could be given to the poor, but most of what grows on it own dies there and returns to the land. The trouble is, there is no apparent profit in such idleness. Another troublesome Law was the Jubilee year. 7x7 Sabbatical years is 49 years, with the 50th year a Jubilee year to all!  The year when all debts are forgiven and all slaves liberated. Did you ever see a Jew forgive a debt?  Fahgeddaboutit!  

         The Sabbatical system is the great equalizer. On the 7th day, both the powerful and the powerless become irrelevant, as even the ox is liberated and given the same days rest. To counter predatory greed, on the 7th year debts are forgiven. And to to counter over-farming, the land rests on the 7th year. After 7x7 years all debts are forgiven and lands are returned to the original family owners.

          Today some Torah observant Jews will lease their land to a gentile for the year, thinking they can get around the Sabbatical Law.  I ask you, do you think he was cleaver at getting around the Law?  Many times I say this is two dimensional thinking, and some wonder what I mean. Here is a good example: The observant Jew only sees the Law as a dictate from an angry GOD that must be appeased. He thinks finding some loophole in the Law will get him out of his spiritual obligation, but the problem with his solution is that the land never rests. The Torah observant Jew, and his rabbi, the one who gives religious approval, miss the next spiritual dimension in life. YHWH's Laws are not requirements to appease an angry GOD, they are Laws and Holy Days designed for the benefit of the individual, family, and community, (1Jon.5:3).  If faith isn't enough, today, modern science proves the Bible once again, when it says let the land rest and re-nourish for a season because it rebuilds the soil.  Just-do-it, and the following crops will be more bountiful. Trust in GOD! 

           Our FATHER is watching... In ancient times HE sent Prophets to warn the people of their backsliding, but their pleading fell on deaf ears.  There were brief revivals, such as with King Josiah, but after his death the people continued their moral decline.  Make-no-mistake, Ancient Israel was punished for neglecting the Sabbaths and Holy Days of YAHWEH.  When Israel was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, YHWH determined the length of her punishment by counting the neglected Sabbaths (2Chr.36:20-21).  

           YHWH prophesied: Seventy years is determined, until they will return to the land! And it happened exactly as prophesied. Trust in GOD!  And that is why it is important to watch these Holy Days today because prophecies relating to YHWH's plan of redemption unfold on HIS Holy periods, (Jer.29:10; Dan.9:2). 

Observing the Sabbatical and Jubilee Years

 There are only a few hardy souls I know who attempt to keep the Sabbatical years. For the individual or family home Worshipper these days are hard to - Biblically - keep. These really are community laws, and our modern life is not in harmony with such a system.  Remember: Salvation is a matter of the heart (Heb.4:12), and no one can perfectly keep all the Holy Days and years, but we observe them to learn, to watch prophecy, and to give thanks. The Bide should know about these Holy Days because in the Millennium Kingdom she will be helping all the world will keep them, (Ezk.46:17).

          The sabbatical cycles is the stage for playing out YHWH's spiritual opera revealing HIS plan of redemption. It begins with the days of Creation leading to the 7th Day Sabbath rest.  On this special day, personally blessed by our CREATOR, both the powerful and the powerless become irrelevant, as even the ox is liberated from the slave-masters clock and given the same days rest.  Next is the redemption of a-l-l the Creation, as seen in the Holy Day's of the Sabbatical [7th] month.  Which leads leads to the the Sabbatical [7th] year of release from debt. And after 7x7 Sabbatical years, the Jubilee year finally brings liberty for a-l-l humanity and the Earth, completing the spiritual opera from chaos to eternity.  There is much to learn. There is much to watch for...

          When to Observe? I wish I had a simple answer. The problem is that Bible chronology is not yet an exacting science. Some say the Sabbatical year is 2000-2001, some others say it's 2001-2002.  I'm no expert, and quite frankly, mankind have been lousy record keepers.  The Jewish calendar year 5762 has some problems. And the western calendar year 2001 has a lot of problems. For example, the real year 2000 happened in 1994!  I have seen many timelines, some are very pretty, but not very exact.  (If you have some info. on this send it to me.)

These Holy periods were also called the Year of Release.  Bible scholars note that Israel was delivered from both the Egyptian and Babylonian captivities on the Jubilee year. And sometime in the future, Jewish tradition always believed that YHWH's Messiah would arrive on the Sabbatical / Jubilee Year to proclaim liberty through out the world and usher in His Kingdom of Peace, (Isa.61:1-2).
          Interestingly some believe it was a Jubilee Year when Yahshua of Nazareth began His public ministry, (Luk.4:18). Maybe it will be a Sabbatical / Jubilee year when He comes as the Redeeming Messiah. 

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Last modified: February 21, 2009

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