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Intro to the Annual Season of "Hebrew" Holy Days 

Holy Day Greetings from HomeWorship 101

 “…The feasts of the Lord,
which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations,
these are My feasts.”
- Leviticus 23:1
“These are the feasts of the Lord,
holy convocations
which you shall proclaim at their appointed times.” - vs.4.

The above verse clearly states that these are YHWH’s Holy Days, not just Jewish Holy Days but “Hebrew” Holy Days because they were ordained by YHWH.  We are to proclaim them at the “appointed times”.  Appointed times means YHWH appoints the times (not mans calendar), and HE show us the times by signs of the moon (Ps.104:19).  YHWH appoints the time HE meets with HIS people, if you observe on a different day then you miss the “appointed time” with HIM.  On the 14th day after the Crescent New Moon YHWH’s spring season of “Hebrew” Holy Days begins.

There are seven “Feasts of YHWH” or “Hebrew” Holy Days and they are broken up into two seasons.  Fourteen days after the first new moon, the spring season of Holy Days begins with Passover, then the Holy week of Unleavened bread, including Day of Firstfruits (Resurrection Sunday), and in late spring, Pentecost.  In the fall season, the Holy Days begin on the first day of the seventh month with the day of Trumpets, then the day of Atonement, then the Holy week of Tabernacles ending with the Last Great Day.  (Learn more log on to:  http://www.homeworship101.com/holy_days_spring.htm )

"Learn from Me--for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls."
- Yahshua, Matthew 11:29

Observing the Holy Days is not a religious requirement for salvation.  They are observed out of love and respect for our CREATOR, and HIS Covenant with us (1Jno.5:3).  We observe them not out of a legal religious obligation, but we look forward to learning from them, to seek to understand their higher Divine lessons, and to celebrate them.  Just as any skilled professional is required to take additional training or annual refresher courses, these are the annual spiritual refresher courses designed by our CREATOR.  They are for a-l-l of HIS Believers to practice their spiritual training and maintain a high level of performance - lest we forget and lose our way (Mat.25:1-13).

The Believers are commanded to grow in knowledge and grace (2Pet.3:18), to be a living sacrifice . . ., transformed by the renewing of your mind (Rom.12:1-2).  The Holy Days are a personal, spirit-training series of Heavenly lessons, with subtle instructions, which picture a greater spiritual truth.  They repeat every year, lest we forget, to teach understanding, to all - men, women and children - that our CREATOR is still in control of the Heavenly Powers of the Universe and HIS promises to humanity will be fulfilled.

The Holy Days are ordained for all the Believers in our CREATOR, because all together they picture the major spiritual steps in HIS great master plan to save a-l-l humanity (not just a small group), from the destructive effects of the evil dark powers leading to HIS Eternal Kingdom.  They are the Holy Days which we will all celebrate forever (Isa.66:23; Zec.14:16). 

YAHWEH’S Holy Days, dispose of your demons through reflection and afflicting your soul, to have a change of heart and repent.  They connect us to a Heavenly timetable - signs to watch - and they give us hope for the future.  They put us spiritually in control and encourage us to: live-learn-and grow - HONORABLY!  

YHWH in HIS infinite wisdom designed HIS Holy Days to have many in-depth and multilevel meanings, all with perfect symmetry leading to one place, HIS Kingdom.  By having the family walking together on YHWH’s Ancient Path and watching the spiritual opera of HIS Holy Days, YHWH is trying to help us understand HIS plan for humanity and HE wants us to actively participate.  That participation begins at home with family homeWorship, reinforcing Divine family values. 


 ~The “Hebrew” Holy Days are a Treasure Trove of our CREATOR'S Wisdom ~

"Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
for You are the God of my salvation;
On You I wait all the day."  - Psalm 25:4-5

There are higher spiritual mysteries but there are no secrets. The annual Holy Days are ancient spiritual keys to a timeless treasure trove of our CREATOR'S Wisdom.  YAHWEH is trying to help us, and in HIS infinite wisdom HE designed the Holy Days to have many in-depth and multilevel meanings, all with perfect symmetry leading to one place - HIS Kingdom.  They have historical lessons - which we should honor by their remembrance.  They teach current day character building lessons - which we should learn.  They teach us health lessons for the mind and body.  They are a “shadow of things to come” as they picture a prophetic, Messianic message of hope.  They are future prophecies of human catastrophes with many on a planetary scale (Col.2:16-17) - which we all should watch for. 

Mostly, faith has evolved into spectator event, where the clergy perform and the laymen observe, Sunday service is nothing but a religious production, and the church buildings with their bigger is better design have more of a country club mentality then mirroring the early church.  Jew or Christian, the similarities run the same, the faithful have forgotten that YHWH’s Holy Days in Leviticus ch.23 are not just religious obligations; they are a treasure trove of our CREATOR'S Wisdom.  Through the spiritual opera of the Holy Days HE is trying to help us understand HIS plan for humanity and HE wants us to actively participate.

YHWH’s Holy Convocations hands on!  They designed to encourage the individual Believer to actively participate and in-turn gives us a place in HIS Universe.  It is a time to put the daily drone of our material pursuits aside, and take a day to honor, learn, and pay respect unto our CREATOR.  We show love and respect for our Heavenly FATHER, through study, thanksgiving, songs of praise and dance, and joyous feasting with friends and family.  This in turn will strengthen your mind, body and spirit.


 ~ The “Hebrew” Holy Days Teach us about YHWH’ Ancient Path… ~
“Stand by the roads, and look,
and ask for the ancient paths,
where the good way is;
and walk in it,
and find rest for your souls.”
 - Jeremiah 6:16 ESV

 The beginning of Biblical understanding is, as always, with the name first.  The Hebrew words for “ancient path,” is netivot ‘olam, meaning “perpetual path.”  In the Biblical context it would mean the “perpetual way of faith,” specifically, YHWH’S eternal Way of Faith.”  YHWH’s Ancient Path is HIS Way of Faith.  We know our CREATOR, YHWH, does not change, and HIS Way of Faith is revealed through HIS Holy Days.  YHWH’s Covenants are the bricks that make up HIS Ancient Path, the Golden Rule is the mortar that binds them together, and HIS Holy Days are the on-ramps, informational signs, the mile markers, the guardrails - they are everything that helps us stay on HIS Path.  The article continues http://www.homeworship101.com/fyi_ancient_path_of_YHWH_%20GOD.htm


~ The “Hebrew” Holy Days Teach us about YHWH’s Covenants… ~

“But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting
on those who fear Him,
and His righteousness to children’s children,
to such as keep His Covenant,
and to those who remember His commandments to do them
the Lord has established His throne in heaven,
and His kingdom rules over all.”  - Psalm 103:17-19

YHWH could easily destroy Satan and the rebellious angels but then that would make YHWH just a simple dictator.  The key to understanding why this spiritual scenario of humanity has to play out is because there are Kingdom Laws and those Laws apply to all members of the Kingdom equally, even YHWH has to follow them, and to redeem HIS creation HE has to do it via legal means.  In other words, this world has been mortgaged over to Satan - so to speak, and YHWH wants to buy it back – so to speak.

The Biblical Book of Ruth with its touching story of love, devotion, and redemption, is symbolic of the Kingdom’s legal aspects.  YHWH wants to redeem the faithful of HIS Creation and that is accomplished by the evolution of YHWH’s Covenants with humanity.  In all, there are three universal Covenants, and five with Israel , which also have universal aspects.  Christian’s are ministers of the Covenant because the Covenants are the legal means by which humanity is entitled to redemption (eternal life in YHWH’s Kingdom).  We live under the curse of sin, subject to death, YHWH loves HIS Creation and wants to prevent that.  That is the basic reason for the need of the Covenants.  These spring Holy Days shows us and proves that YHWH keeps HIS Covenant promises.  The article continues http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2006_02.htm


~ The “Hebrew” Holy Days teach us about YHWH’s Messianic Prophecies… ~

   “Keep the traditions just as I delivered them to you.”
- 1 Corinthian 11:2
It's not, what would Jesus do?
It's, what did Jesus do?

Jesus not only “did” the Holy Days – He fulfilled them!

Make-no-mistake, Yahshua of Nazareth was the only man to fulfill to the letter over 200 Scriptural prophecies; many were predicted some 1,000 years in advance of His life - flawlessly.  Every single messianic prophecy of the Hebrew Bible was precisely fulfilled by the life of Yahshua, in a literal, common sense way, and many of them were fulfilled on these Spring “Hebrew:” Holy Days.  There are over 300 prophecies in the New Testament of Yahshua's second coming as the conquering-redeeming Messiah – which gives us hope for the future.

Today the question is, when it comes to religious Holy Days, what did Jesus do?  Many forget that those who believe in Christ follow a Hebrew Messiah and He kept His FATHER’s ordained Holy Days listed in Leviticus ch.23.  As a matter of fact Yahshua/Jesus not only observed the Holy Days, He fulfilled them - !  He was crucified on Passover (the Last Supper), He was buried on the Days of Unleavened Bread, He was resurrected of the Day of Firstfruit (Resurrection Sunday/Easter), and He sent the Rauch HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, on Pentecost.  Chances are that when He returns as the conquering Messiah, He will fulfill His FATHER’s fall season of Holy Days.  So the question remains, if we follow Christ then why are we following the Popes holidays instead of Christ’s example?


 ~The “Hebrew” Holy Days Teach us about YHWH’s Tribulation Prophecies… ~

“…and causes the earth and those who dwell in it
to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”
- Revelation 13:12

Satan’s major problem is that he always wanted to be GOD and have everyone worship him (which is why he originally fell from heaven).  Later in time, he tried to tempt the Messiah into worshipping him, and that did not work (Mat.ch.4).  Now, Satan and his demonic angels are cast to the Earth, and Satan, by some mysterious slight-of-hand, will possess the body of the human political leader - the Antichrist.  He will masquerade as the - counterfeit - messiah, he will want the whole world to worship him (Dan.8:24), and he will also counterfeit the Messianic prophecies in YHWH’s Holy Days for his own glory.  The article continues http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2007_04.htm.


~ The “HEBREW” Holy Days Teach us about YHWH’s Health & Character Path… ~

“When pride comes, then comes shame;
    But with the humble is wisdom.”
- Proverbs 11:2
“…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…”
– Galatians ch.5

Too many people think the sun shines through their bellybutton - so to speak.  This first moral lesson of the Holy season is showing humanity that pride is the worst sin of all, and must be brought under control before any spiritual learning can begin.  To remind humanity of this, the preparations for these first Holy Days mean removing all food leavening products from your house - including all the little crumbs.  While we are cleaning out our houses of puffed up foods, symbolically, we must make the effort to remove the leaven of sin from our hearts because the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor.5:7-8).  It is symbolic of throwing out the puffed up and phony material world, and start a new beginning of walking a GODLY path in ones life.  YAHWEH is not only interested in your freedom, but also in your spiritual condition.  HE is not a gotcha kind of GOD trying to keep you out of Heaven; He cares about what you are going to be.  HE wants to teach you to transform your condition, to be baptized and reborn into a new understanding.

As noted in the last newsletter, the physical preparations for the spiritual lessons began on the 10th day when we were required to test the theology we follow, or test our method of achieving eternal life.  The preparations for the next Holy Days of Passover and Unleavened Bread, is that we should clean out our dwellings of all leavening products.  The spiritual lesson is that we should expel from our characters anything that puffs us up, and throw out any dark doctrines you might have picked up. The physical lesson is to clean the place in which you live.  I know for some people the thought of spring-cleaning sends shivers up their spines.  But there is a reason for it; good health responds well to the spiritual exercises of housecleaning with loved ones.  YHWH is teaching us is that HE knows that some people may be less then meticulous in their personal habits, so HE wants to teach all humanity that being neat, orderly, and learn that living in a clean house has health benefits for the physical body.

This is spring cleaning for the spirit and the soul.  It would be easy to dismiss all this housecleaning and say it is the purity of the heart that counts, but our CREATOR knows keeping your clothes and living quarters clean will help in promoting vigorous health.  It is interesting to note that during the Black Death plague of Europe ’s middle ages, the rabbis passed the word to get the dwellings of the faithful Passover clean (Lev.ch.13-15).  The Jews listened and cleaned out their slums.  Their mortality rates were only 5-10% of the population compared to Europeans much higher numbers.  Do you think the Christians opened up their Bibles and learned?  Fahgeddaboutit!  Do you think they would ask the Jews what they did?  Fahgeddaboutit!!  They figured the Jews were in league with the devil and promptly began to kill them.  It only took about 3,500 years for the rebellious humans to learn the Biblical lessons of cleanliness and sanitation.  It is a great example of how “governments will always do the right thing - after they have exhausted all other possibilities.”

I would even suggest taking your spring-cleaning one step further.  Knowing that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor.6:19), then during this time of eating unleavened foods, eat a little lighter, drink some cleansing teas, and maybe do a colon cleansing to restore your body’s health.  When I began researching herbal healing I discovered that in the days before modern medicines and fast foods, people would eat light at the beginning of spring and drink some cleansing teas.  When I mentioned this to some of my friends and relatives, they mentioned that they remembered when they were young their grandparents would always do something like this in the early springtime.  I commented, what has changed in the human body in modern times?  Nothing!  What was good for the body back then is still good for today.  And seeing today’s high incidence of colon cancer I would suggest that we all get busy cleaning out our temples along with our dwelling places.

One more point often missed by the religionists.  Salt (pure sea salt), and barley grass, were required offerings at the Temple in Jerusalem .  Knowing that YHWH only wants the best, for those who can see, HE showing us that consuming sea salt and barley & wheat grasses does wonders for your health, and it would be the first steps in cleansing your body and promoting better physical and mental health.  (Learn more on sea salt log on: http://www.homeworship101.com/fyi_salt_covenant.htm )


~ The Thinking Person Has to Ponder… ~  

“The more I learn,
the more I realize how little I know.“

Man’s holidays or YHWH’s “Hebrew” Holy Days?  There really is no comparison.  What I have listed is only a small sampling of what YHWH’s Holy Days offer the Faithful.  The shear complexity of the Holy Days alone proves that they are more then just an ethnic tradition.  In the Heavenly Kingdom these Holy Days took a great deal of planning to produce the multifaceted Kingdom lessons, and the Angels sweat the details!  Even in the Kingdom there is paperwork, and the Angels put a lot of work into bringing YHWH’s design to reality.  They had to do intensive research.  They had to be sure the specialized materials would be available for use by the people.  They had to catalog the time cycles over thousands of years.  And they had to be sure that all the events were executed with perfect timing.  For more information see the newsletter index and scroll down for the various above-mentioned themes to my Holy Day Newsletters.

YHWH’s Covenant plan for humanity’s destiny gives us all hope for the future.  It is the same spiritual “story of hope” told to Adam and Eve, and passed on through their descendants as an oral history all the way to Noah.  After the flood, Noah taught this same oral history to his descendants.  The key action figure in this spiritual opera was revealed in the first prophecy to humanity recorded in the Adamic Covenant, the promised Messiah, and the prophecy plays out in these first Holy Days. 

“True religion is the life you lead,
not the creed you possess.”

In my book and website, I have endeavored to teach some of the multi-level meanings of the Holy Days.  For example, the Holy Days have historical lessons (I call them coincidental dates?) - which we should honor by their remembrance.  They teach current day character building lessons - which we should learn and improve ourselves.  They teach us health lessons for the mind and body – which we should learn, to improve our physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being (Jon.14:1, 27; 2Tim.1:7).  They are a “shadow of things to come” as they picture a prophetic, Messianic message of hope.  They are future prophecies of events (some on a planetary scale) yet to unfold (Col.2:16-17) - which we a-l-l should watch for. 

Sir Isaac Newton a great scientist
and a student of prophecy stated:
"About the time of the end,
a body of men will be raised up
who will turn their attention to the prophesies
and insist upon their literal interpretation
in the midst of much clamor and opposition."
Enjoy the journey of learning…
> Spring Holy Days: http://www.homeworship101.com/holy_days_spring.htm
> Spring Holy Days - How to: http://www.homeworship101.com/holy_days_spring_observance.htm
> Order of Rites: http://www.homeworship101.com/sp-t8_order_of_rites.htm
> Christian Passover: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2006_05.htm
> Newsletter Index: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_01index.htm
> Thinking Persons religion: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2005_01.htm
> The Ancient Path of YHWH: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2008_01.htm
> Covenant Theology: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2006_02.htm
> Hebrew 101: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2010_01.htm

Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for all those who stand with Israel (Ps.122).

Take care.  Wishing you all Holy Day Blessings, Errol.
Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
  e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
website: www.homeworship101.com

WSC Newsletter 2010-04, posted 03/27/10.

Copyright © 2010 Errol Mueller.  All rights reserved.  Short quotations, page copying, or redistribution for personal or non-commercial group study is permitted and encouraged, provided they are copied in total with no alterations or deletions.  Author’s name, website address, and copyright notice must be included.  If any other use is desired, written permission is required.

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