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Sea Salt - Complete Analysis


         In my humble opinion what the commercial world does to natural sea salt is one of the biggest crimes against humanity.  Normally, salt is harvested and sent to a factory, then all the ingredients listed below are taken out of it and resold to the manufacturing industries.  The worthless debased salt that is left is then packaged and sold to the consumer markets.  

        Early in the 20th century when this process was first established, the salt eventually made people sick.  They realized removing the natural iodine was affecting the thyroid gland and was making people sick.  Then they added iodine to the salt and sold it as new and improved "iodized salt" promoting the idea that the company selling it is doing the consumer a favor by improving it - sic.

        (Note: Another salt is mined from the earth.  It is not as biologically active as "sea salt" harvested fresh from the living oceans.) 

Independent analysis of pure, medium crystal, sun dried, French sea salt, supplied by the Laboratory of Analytical and Hydrological Chemistry of Nantes University in France.  

Major-elements (nutrients)

Micro-elements (nutrients)

Chloride: 51%.  Sodium: 32%.            Water (from crystallization): 7%.         Sulfur: 1.12%.  Zinc: 0.87%.       Magnesium: 0.50%.  Iron: 0.38%.  Potassium: 0.26%.  Manganese: 0.026%.  Copper: 0.018%.  Calcium: 0.012%.  Silicon: 0.011%.


Carbon: 0.034%.  Strontium: 0.009%.           Boron: 0.004%.  Hydrogen: 0.003%.           Fluorine 0.001%.  Nitrogen: 0.0008%.         Argon: 0.0005%.  Lithium: 0.0002%.       Rubidium: 0.00014%. Phosphorus: 0.000112%. Iodine: 0.00007%.  Barium: 0.00002%.  Molybdenum: 0.000012%.  Nickel: 0.000008%. Arsenic: 0.0000037%.  Uranium: 0.0000038%. Vanadium: 0.0000024%.  Tin: 0.0000009%.  Cobalt: 0.00000045%.  Antimony: 0.00000035%.  Silver: 0.00000032%. Krypton: 0.00000024%. Chromium: 0.0000002%. Mercury: 0.0000002%. Neon: 0.00000012%%.  Cadmium: 0.000000112%.  Selenium: 0.0000001%.  Germanium: 0.00000007%.  Xenon: 0.00000006%.  Scandium:0.0000005%.    Gallium: 0.00000035%.  Zirconium: 0.00000003%. Lead: 0.000000026%.  Bismuth: 0.000000024%. Niobium: 0.000000023%.  Thallium: 0.000000022%. Gold: 0.000000019%.  Pico-traces of:  Helium, lanthanum, neodymium, thorium, cerium, cesium, terbium, yttrium, dysprosium, erbium, ytterbium, hafnium, gadolinium, praseodymium, beryllium, samarium, holmium, lutecium, tantalum, thulium, europium, tungsten, protactinium, and radium. 

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