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The beginning of sorrows...  

The Seven Mystery Years of Jacob's Trouble

 The Chorological Order of Bible Prophecies for the First  31/2 Tribulation Years

Don't feed the Beast by giving into your fears.



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CAUTION: This is not some 'novel' approach to the Bible, reading this may require a seatbelt.

Almost Tomorrow
The beginning of sorrows…

 "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: 
see that ye be not troubled: 
for all these things must come to pass, 
but the end is not yet.
 For nation shall rise against nation, 
and kingdom against kingdom: 
and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes,
 in divers places.
 All these are the beginning of sorrows."
- Matthew 24:6-8



The beginning of the Tribulation period means that the Age of Grace has been completed and closed.  The time of learning, and evaluating the Covenant proposal is over, and a time of action begins.  Here, Yahshuas’ Earthly ministry as the Conquering Messiah will begin were he left off over two thousand years ago, and He now takes a heavy hand in the world to restore the Kingdom of YHWH.  Daniel’s prophecy of the final seventh week countdown soon begins.  The message is now what John the Baptist preached, “Repent, for the Kingdom is at Hand.” 

            The spiritual tone of the Tribulation message is Old Testament style - an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.  If the peoples of the world would stop their hatred and accept the Messiah’s warning, much bloodshed on a global scale would be averted.  But sadly, the haughty spirit of humanity will not yield. (Mat.ch.24; Mar.ch.13; Luk.ch.21.)   

BE AWARE: The Tribulation events will be happening quickly.  The Prophet Daniel (12:4) prophesied in the end of the age people will be running to and fro trying to keep up with understanding the rapidly moving events.  


Martial Law

“We are on the verge of a global transformation, 
all that is needed is the right major crisis 
and the nations will accept the New World order.” 
 - David Rockefeller

A trigger-event is needed to propel humanity into global tribulation, it could come from the heavens, or it could come from the Earth.  This trigger-event, plus the terrorists who would take advantage of the chaos during the crisis, equals martial law (or some type of curfew).  I’ll review the two best ‘guesses’ (remember we are all ‘students’ of prophecy).   

            A sign of the Age of Grace closing could be when the hinderer is removed (2Ths.2:7).  The term hinderer (some Bibles use the word restrainer, Jno.14:8), is a curious word used to describe the Holy Spirit that dwells within the true believers of YHWH and Yahshua.  It is the hearts that qualify the true believers (Heb.4:12), and it can be any human being from, any domination, any nation, any ethnic origin, male or female, on the planet Earth.  These are the ones fighting for our CREATOR’S truth and freedom, and they are the only power that is holding back or hindering the dark forces of evil.  [For more info see  Mystery of the Bride]  

            Yahshua said of His followers, “You are the salt of the Earth,” Matthew 5:13.  Salt is a preservative, when the salt of the Earth is removed, then global corruption will set in.  When many good GOD-fearing people, all around the world, suddenly disappear, it will create great panic, fear and confusion.  

If the universal, surprise, rapture theory holds true, for humanity left on Earth there will be great a big mystery to explain.  Will the people look to the Bible prophecies and think that these missing people were the first chosen to be called home by the Messiah?  Some people will, but most will not.  

The globalist leaders will secretly rejoice and publicly say: “The nations must now come together to answer this global disaster.  We must abandon our old ways of thinking and unite the oneness of the Human spirit as never before to fight this common unseen threat.”  They will question, where is GOD?  It has been told to us that HE is supposed to protect us from such threats.  

The people will buy into the great lie of fear spun by the media that this mass disappearance of millions of people is our first close encounter with new forms of alien intelligence against which we have no defense, and it knows no borders.  Fear will cause all the nations to mobilize and have their military forces on the highest state of readiness.  The news media will speculate: “Was this an isolated incident or will more mass abductions or disappearances of people happen on a global scale? And, how do we fight an undefined enemy, one we cannot see?”

The religious leaders may speculate this event has spiritual implications spoken of in the Bible.  “We are entering a transitional period.  As the Bible says (Mat.13:24-30), on Judgment Day, the Tares will be removed from the wheat, so that the wheat may grow.  In other words the intolerant ones, the fundamentalist, the ones who cling to the old ways have been removed.  The old age of destruction and division are gone, and the new millennium age of peace and unity is finally here.  Those who were not enlightened enough to embrace the new era have been taken away, and the global community of humanity is now on the eve of spiritually evolving into new enlightened beings.  We the survivors have been judged worthy, now we don’t need GOD in heaven, we all have the power to become gods, and we are now ready to establish the new world order.

Some people reading this may think I can see the future, I can’t, but I have studied Biblical history, and all through the ages Satan still is using the same ole’ lie.  And in this modern scientific age, it still deceives the multitudes, because it’s the one thing that has not changed all through time, it is the “pride” in the heart of humanity.  (I call it ego-religion.)

            Now will begin the greatest deceptions to steal away and destroy, the hearts and souls of humanity.  Politicians have always used tragic events to further restrict the right’s of it’s citizens and this event of mass U.F.O. abductions will provide a good reason to declare martial law and combine the worlds powers against outside alien forces.  The nations of the planet Earth will begin the most dreadful period in human history (Jer.30:7; Dan.12:1; Mat.24:21).

It is important to note here that those not yet snatched away, might feel great disappointment or despair.  Stay-on-target, one cannot second guess the plan of YHWH, despair not, the greatest religious revival and harvest of righteous human souls in world history is yet to come.   

For those who speculate on a more earthbound cause for a major global conflict, the result is still the same, martial law.  No doubt, the “Ring of Fire” around the north Pacific Rim could explode.  At the very least, a devastating earthquake in Japan, destroying Tokyo along with her financial centers and economy, could be the beginning of world tribulation.  It can happen, for the past twelve centuries Tokyo has had a major earthquake once every 69 years, and they are now nervously celebrating their 70+ anniversaries. 

“Tokyo is not prepared,” says the government in a public service film, which is informing the public what a major earthquake means.  “In just five minutes the release of enough destructive energy equal to all munitions used in WWII, multiplied 300 times.  In just five minutes the tremors would destroy one-half million buildings, reduce two thirds of the city to rubble, with over 140,000 people dead or dying, and it will bring on a national economic collapse.”

Tokyo is a powerful force in the economic global marketplace.  It will be a global crisis if it is destroyed.  For example, there would be no Japanese business men buying American bonds - or anything else - forcing America and many countries to default on their debt.  Then, at the very least, there would be no entitlement payments, putting the country’s mass social dependents into a tailspin.

The 'signs' have been given and now is the 'time' to prepare...   

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Last modified: December 05, 2011

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