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Wisdom Pages...

Ego Religion 

"Making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down."


Much religion, as it is practiced, 
reminds me of a story set somewhere in central Europe.
Once upon a time, when the village had thatched roofs and no fire prevention system, a fire broke out on one of the roofs.

The people saw the fire and immediately formed a bucket brigade stretching from the central well to the fire.  Through quick and concerted effort the fire was put out and the whole village saved.

People in the town were immensely grateful, and as a result some founded the Bucket Brigade Society which took to practicing faithfully every week.  

Soon the Brigade developed a hierarchy.  The chief bucketeer became very influential, in many ways more important than the mayor.  All the best people belonged to the Brigade and to be a member meant to gain status in the community.

The society wrote songs to be sung during their practices, and created elaborate and beautiful methods of passing the buckets.  Even after the village had been covered over and a fire department formed, the Brigade continued.  

Then one day, a young recruit happened to look down into the bucket she was passing: But there's no water in the bucket, she observed with surprise.

After that, the young began drifting away, no longer especially interested in the Brigade at all.

That is the trouble with ego religion.
It retains the tradition but loses the substance.
And the substance is faith in the heavenly mystery.
Ego religion has it's rewards.
It elevates you above your neighbors, 
assures you that you are right and virtuous,
and makes you happy that you are not "one of those."
Ego religion can even justify 
hating and killing those with whom you disagree.
Author unknown

There is a saying:
"The wise man points to the moon.
The idiot looks at the finger."
In other words, 
the person or the words become more holy 
then the object of the lesson.

  He answered and said to them, 
"Well did Isaiah (29:13) prophesy of you hypocrites, 
as it is written:" 
'This people honors Me with their lips, 
But their heart is far from Me.
And in vain they worship Me, 
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'
"For laying aside the commandment of God, 
you hold the tradition of men; 
the washing of pitchers and cups,
  and many other such things you do."
He said to them, 
"All too well you reject the commandment of God, 
that you may keep your tradition."
For Moses said, 
'Honor your father and your mother'; 
and, 'He who curses father or mother, 
let him be put to death.'
But you say, 
'If a man says to his father or mother,'
  "Whatever profit you might have received from me is Corban"; (that is, a gift to God),
"then you no longer let him do anything
  for his father or his mother."
 Making the word of God of no effect 
through your tradition which you have handed down. 
And many such things you do." 
- Mark 7:6-13
Not everyone who calls LORD 
will enter the Kingdom... Mat.7:21
See also, 
the messages to the Seven Churches, 
Revelation ch.2-3.

It's the life you lead, not to creed you posess!

           The Bible talks of "pure religion" only once in James 1:19-27.  How many so-called religious people do you know live the pure religious life like the late Mother Teresa?  

            The relationship with our CREATOR is not like the one-sided empty-headed, idol worshipping religions of the pagan world.  HIS is a Sacred Covenant relationship, which means two parties coming together, to enter into a Covenant, both with "responsibilities" to fulfill the promises made. 

           Your Religion will not save you from The Judgment of God (Matt. 7:22-23).

(See Sacred Covenants page for more info)


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