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WSC  Newsletter

Reformation - Religious Freedom - Day


Happy Reformation Day Greetings

 from HomeWorship 101™



“Unless I am convicted by scripture and plain reason,

I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils,

for they have contradicted each other,

my conscience is captive to the Word of God.

I cannot and I will not recant anything

for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen.”

- Martin Luther’s defense at his Catholic inquisition, April 1521.


The western world knows October 31 is Halloween, but what is seldom mentioned is that it is also the day the Protestant Reformation began.  In the Protestant world the day should be a celebrated because the birth of all the Protestant/Sabbath keeping/Sacred Name/Messianic, etc. churches was made possible by the unfolding events beginning on this day in 1517.  Unfortunately, this day is hardly mentioned, because the idea of turning away from bad habits and adopting new ones is probably one of the hardest Biblical mandates to accomplish – that is because Satan hates people getting closer to their CREATOR YHWH.  


I often say, critically thinking is a lost art; think about it, what does the term “Protestant” Christian mean?  Most do not even know that October 31, is their holiday.  It’s really a shame because so much blood was spilt to break the chains of religious dictatorship, give the world the Bible, and give most of the western world religious freedom.  America was founded as a Protestant nation, and it was a very important step in government, but watch the news today; you will not hear anything regarding the great Reformation movement – not even from the pulpits of the American Christian churches!  In my humble opinion, at the very least this day should be called Religious Freedom Day!  Unfortunately, the only thing you will hear a lot about is Halloween, and that’s pitiful.  (The stories of the Bible translators and Protestant reformers are heartbreaking, read through chapters 9-20 of Fox’s Book of Martyrs for the complete story.)


Most know of the story of Martin Luther the lawyer/scholar turned Catholic monk, who in 1517 C.E. sounded the call to religious change in an unchanging world by calling for a debate on his 95 theses of church reform.  To make his theses public, he daringly posted them on the castle church door in Wittenburg, Germany, and by his act he unknowingly ignited a religious explosion called the Protestant Reformation.  His 95 points of reform rebukes various traditions added on to YAHWEH’S Law by the feudalistic Roman Catholic Church.  As always, challenging the Roman status quo was done at your own peril.  Luther would have been branded a heretic and swept away to a dark jail cell like many before him, but paper making and moveable type were invented in his time, and his open letters of debate appearing in print for all to see helped fuel the protesting movement against the dogmatic Roman Catholic rule.


"My greatest thought is my accountability to God."

- Daniel Webster


Martin Luther began the Protestant revolution and America was founded as a Protestant nation that honored our CREATOR instead of an earthly king, our founders boldly answered the GOD question for all the world to hear, but few today even know what the word Protestant means or represents.  Generally, the religious powers to be do not like any talk of a protesting laity, being lovers of their own words the religious scholars, over time, covered up and smothered the original meaning of the Reformation movement.  As regular readers of my work know, I specialize in removing the layers of tradition and get down to the pure original truths.  The pure Protestant beliefs or concepts are a philosophy not a religion, and the Protestant philosophy still causes some hand ringing amongst the traditional Jews, Catholics, and other religious leaders who want to control people via dogmatic purity and mute obedience.


If you think about it, it really doesn’t matter if the majority of a nation is Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, the Protestant concept that GOD equally grants rights ‘directly to every human’ which no mere mortal can take away, and free people join together to form a representative republic government, can be applied to any nation – Israel, Iran, Iraq, etc. - regardless of their religious affiliations.  Unfortunately today, as in ancient times, the majority of the political and religious leadership is reluctant to give up their control over the people, and therein lays their hypocrisy.  They are in business for themselves, and not for the good of the people – nor our CREATOR & Messiah.


“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world,

the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. 

Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

                                     - George Bernard Shaw 


All of today’s New Testament Believers owe the unreasonable Martin Luther a debt of thanks, or we would all still be Catholics.  Unfortunately, most of the churches have forgotten their history.  The term Protestant Christian means, “protesting Christians.”  They protest against the dictatorial rule of a centralized religious authority.  They protest against any human being placed between them and GOD.  And they stand for the right of anyone to have a copy of the Holy Scriptures in their native language for personal study. 


“I hate, I despise your feast days,

And I do not savor your sacred assemblies.

Though you offer Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings,

I will not accept them,

Nor will I regard your fattened peace offerings.

Take away from Me the noise of your songs,

For I will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments.

But let justice run down like water,

And righteousness like a mighty stream.”

- Amos 5:14-15, 21-24


Protesting against dictatorial religious leadership goes way back.  Martin Luther is only one man in a long line of religious leaders pleading with the faithful and religious hierarchy to reform their pagan tainted spiritual habits and festivals.  Reformation was a common topic preached by the Prophets YHWH sent to ancient Israel.  Unfortunately, like today, the people didn’t want to hear it.  They mostly ignored their Prophets, and sometimes the ancient Israelites even killed them for suggesting it.  Yahshua was also a Prophet of His FATHER YHWH with a startling frank message of reform to His contemporaries.  In my strange way of looking at the world I believe that Christ, His Apostles, and the very-first Christians, were Protestant - protesting - Jews!  Most Christians forget that Christ and the Apostles also protested against the dictatorial rule of the rabbis.  They believed in an educated laity, not a subjugated one.  They believed in building a personal relationship with YHWH, as opposed to the rabbi’s demand for mute obedience to ritual purity. 


“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!

...Serpents, brood of vipers!

How can you escape the condemnation of hell?”

- Matthew 23:29-33


One can’t help but wonder:

What would the church do?

If they had Yahshua the Reformer, in front of them.


As the reformer Yahshua challenged the orthodoxy.  No one had ever before denounced the priests and Pharisees, or dared to question the doctrine of the elders.  He expertly quoted the Prophets as He strongly rebuked Judaism’s stiff-necked religious hierarchy - the establishment religionists who never lived the righteous life.  They were corrupt.  They were blind guides.  They were play-actors, and did not live according to the spirit of the Law (Mat.3:7, 5:20, 23:1-36; Luk.11:37-54, 18:9-14; Jno.8:44). 


Yahshua challenged the doctrines of the scribes and rabbis, telling them bluntly that they did not know the Scriptures (Mat.22:29).  At least eight times Yahshua scornfully denounced them for being legalistic and fourteen times for being hypocritical.  They were excellent in reading and quoting Scripture, to keep the people on a tight leash, but in practice they themselves disobey by following their own ritualized customs.


Yahshua detested some of the Pharisees, the religious fundamentalists of the day, because they did not have a heart for the sinners, and were not sensitive to the needs and hurts of the individual.  Yahshua taught of YAHWEH’S free salvation by grace, not by law - very revolutionary.  And He taught in His Sermon on the Mount that He brought a Kingdom for the meek and for the poor in spirit (Mat.5:5-11), which clearly was just as opposite as you can get to what the Pharisees taught. 


Yahshua strongly scolded the religious leaders because they were always bitter, constantly finding faults, and tearing everyone apart.  This, the “holier than thou” crowd, by their own attitude, promoted bigotry, prejudice and hatred.  He showed them that their religious worship was mere ritual, with emphasis on minor details, “while ignoring the weightier matters of the Law,” such as “justice, mercy and faith.”  He taught that the motive of the heart was important, not just the outward action (Mat.23:1-23).


Yahshua chastised them for the many traditions they added to YAHWEH’S Law, making the Law a hardship on the people.  The religious authorities pretend to love you, but in reality they just want to hold you hostage.  The Pharisees slowly gained power over Jewish society by being the overseers of the many elaborate and intricate Jewish oral laws that they required the people to live by.  These “traditions of men,” in an effort to micro manage the people, only burden the community, and has reduced righteousness to mere ceremonialism of outward splendor (Mar.7:6-13).  YAHWEH calls HIS people to unity, not uniformity.  The simple - common sense - Laws of YAHWEH do not enslave people, it sets them free! 


Do not let your religion keep you from a truth!


As we all know, the religious leadership of Yahshua’s day Him very much.  They generally ran him out of town and wanted to silence Him.  (I wonder would it be any different in today’s churches.)  It’s no different today, discussing points of reform with religious leaders is like talking to a bulkhead – they just ain’t gettin’ it.  Today the mainline Protestant churches may have some slight variation on theology, but generally they still mirror the holidays and habits of the Catholic Church.  For example, the Easter and Christmas holidays, Sunday worship and the design of the service, church buildings, special robes, pulpits, browbeating sermons, using fear of damnation, etc., are from the Roman church, not from Yahshua’s’ first-century church.  Even the spirit of Roman-control still manifests itself in the Protestants bishops.  The laity may elect them, but once elected many backslide into becoming protestant dictators over their followers.  Surely in the past 480 years there has been enough time to study the Bible, learn from Biblical archeology, and find more points of reform. 


The early believers would say: When I pray, I talk to GOD; when I study, GOD talks to me.  They would verify their teachers lessons, as it says in Acts 17:11 “. . . in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so;” only then would they share their new found truths with others.  They would trust no one with their spiritual guidance but YHWH!  And wants it that way, it is the lesson of Palm Sundays, GOD-test, examine your doctrine carefully.  


“… come let us reason together.” – Isaiah 1:18


Some would say, what I am talking about happened hundreds of years ago why should anyone care about it today?  The answer is simple because the Catholic leadership is still promoting their rules over what the Bible teaches.  Here is a most reason example:


Vatican Bars Use of 'Yahweh' In Catholic Churches

Francis X. Rocca
VATICAN CITY (RNS) Catholics at worship should neither sing nor pronounce the name of God as "Yahweh," the Vatican has said, citing the authority of both Jewish and Christian practice.

The instruction came in a June 29 letter to Catholic bishops conferences around the world from the Vatican's top liturgical body, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, by an explicit "directive" of Pope Benedict XVI.


"In recent years the practice has crept in of pronouncing the God of Israel's proper name," the letter noted, referring to the four-consonant Hebrew "Tetragrammaton," YHWH.


That name is commonly pronounced as "Yahweh," though other versions include "Jaweh" and "Yehovah." But such pronunciation violates long-standing Jewish tradition, the Vatican reminded bishops.


"As an expression of the infinite greatness and majesty of God, (the name) was held to be unpronounceable and hence was replaced during the reading of sacred Scripture by means of the use of an alternate name: `Adonai,' which means `Lord,"' the Congregation said.


That practice continued with Christianity, the letter explained, recalling the "church's tradition, from the beginning, that the sacred Tetragrammaton was never pronounced in the Christian context nor translated into any of the languages into which the Bible was translated."


Invoking a Vatican document from 2001, the Congregation reminded bishops that the name "Yahweh" in Catholic worship should be replaced by the Latin "Dominus" (Lord) or a word "equivalent in meaning" in the local language.


The Vatican's move will require changes in a number of hymns and prayers currently used in American churches, but not to the Mass itself, said the U.S. bishops' top liturgical official.


Catholic News Service quoted an Aug. 8 letter from Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli of Paterson, N.J., chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Divine Worship, informing American prelates of the policy.


The Vatican's instruction, Serratelli wrote, would serve as "an encouragement to show reverence for the name of God in daily life, emphasizing the power of language as an act of devotion and worship."


Let’s examine the highlights:

1)    citing the authority of both Jewish and Christian practice.

 Huh? Just exactly what authority of Christian practice?


             2) pronunciation violates long-standing Jewish tradition,

True. But as I just as highlighted above, Yahshua has issues with some Jewish Law and traditions.

Lets peal away the layers of man’s traditions and get down to how this Jewish tradition began.  To give you the quick and simple truth, a few thousand years ago a group of men decided that you can’t handle the truth, and they put themselves between you and the YHWH.  Man began to govern the spiritual life, not YHWH (a couple of thousand years later the Romans continued this controlling spiritual concept). I’ll paste in from my book, The Mystical Rites of our CREATOR: 


><> When Jerusalem was reduced to rubble by the Babylonian hoards, the Jews wept for their beloved city, the whole Book of Lamentations chronicles their anguish.  They shed tears, but they never repented (Book of Habakkuk).  When they returned to Jerusalem from exile, the leadership, still nervous of GOD’S wrath, instead of repenting and changing their ways, saw their problem a different way.  They reasoned that the enemy is within us, it is that evil impulse that is inside every man and woman and comes with human nature.  “We have met the enemy and he is us,” and they figured out a solution to their problem. 

            “We must save the people from themselves,” the rabbis lamented.  The answer seemed  easy, in addition to the Teachings of YAHWEH, they would just add a few simple layers of new Jewish laws to it, to guide the people to righteousness.  Publically they said, “. . . the old laws do not cover all the needs of our developing society, we need a new system . . ..”  Sound familiar?

            They reasoned that with this new system they could catch their people breaking Jewish law first, before they broke any really serious Biblical Law, then they could handle the problem in house, so to speak.  They hoped, that this way, GOD would not notice a small transgression and hold it against them.  This is called Jewish legalism, here “the Teachings” became “the Law.”  This system causes people to live in slavery to the letter of the law, and the freedom of the CREATOR’S self-government is lost.  This was the first attempt to micro-manage personal behavior - it would have been better had they just repented. 

            They just didn’t get it.  Institutional religion develops and dictates holy places, holy days, holy persons and holy events to build a religious faith.  Then the trappings of the religious system became more important then the message of the religion.  Incorporated into the religious system are man-designed accommodations to human weakness (Mat.19:8), this is not the “Code of Life” our CREATOR was hoping for.  HE wanted a humbled and contrite spirit rather then sacrifices (Ps.51:17), justice rather then festival days (Amo.5:21-24).  Instead of offerings, HE wanted people who were just, who loved kindness, and walked humbly with their GOD (Mic.6:8).  HIS “Code of Life” is a means of showing the way which leads one to grace, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Messiah - these are not static rituals, it is an evolution of knowledge.  Institutional religion is not our CREATOR’S idea, because the trappings of institutional religion forces it to become an end to itself, it becomes rigid and static, and the idea of reaching for new spiritual heights is discouraged.


            The scribes and rabbis did not just surround GOD’S Law, they took it hostage.  The Torah was now married to commentary relating Jewish oral or civil law, in time this new combination became known as the Talmud.  The Talmud written from 200 B.C.E. to around 200 C.E. is a collection of the wisdom, commentaries, sayings and decisions (case law) of the best rabbis, and thinkers of the Hebrew times.  It was broken down to six major divisions or orders, and is used as guidance on history and for personal conduct regarding religious and civil matters.<><


3)  the name) was held to be unpronounceable and hence was replaced during the reading of sacred Scripture by means of the use of an alternate name: `Adonai,' which means `Lord,"' the Congregation said.

The term  “was held” means that some committee decided….  Again why is that binding on me?


4)  That practice continued with Christianity, the letter explained, recalling the "church's tradition, from the beginning, that the sacred Tetragrammaton was never pronounced in the Christian context nor translated into any of the languages into which the Bible was translated."

The Roman Catholic religion became the dominant religion after they butchered most of the early Jewish/Messianic, very first Christian, believers and then changed the original faith to their more palatable worldwide view. (It’s no big secret the Romans merged Christianity with  - reformed - pagan practices.) 


5) The Vatican's move will require changes in a number of hymns and prayers currently used in American churches, but not to the Mass itself, said the U.S. bishops' top liturgical official.

There you go, they freely admit it, “Vatican's move will require changes.”  Again why is this binding on me? Why should Vatican requirements be binding on any Bible believing person?


6)  show reverence for the name of God in daily life,

Their reasoning is that the faithful respect YHWH by not saying our HIS Name and renaming HIM instead.  Uh oh! Someday you are one among many who are nervolsy standing in line, and from the Throne, YHWH asks, Who changed my NAME!"  How would you answer?  And here they (the Vaticin) reveals another flaw, if we the faithful, reverence YHWH-GOD then they should not call any mere mortal, reverend or father.


A thinking person, required by GOD to test what we hear, should first refer to the Good Book (The Bible).  From the time of Noah, all humanity knew the name of the CREATOR-GOD from Noah’s 7 Commandments. Through Moses, YHWH gave humanity HIS Ten basic Laws or Commandments, and for the next 450 years or so they knew exactly who YHWH’s was. Noah’s Sixth Commandment, and Moses’ Third Commandment clearly say to honor HIS name. That means, that the NAME is above all other and should only be used in spiritual level – and do not even think using the NAME for your kid.  The faithful are use the name with honor, and to do that it is obvious; they must have had to know the name.  The Bible tells us we are to pray, anoint, baptize, lay on hands, etc. all in HIS name.  But the way religious powers to be set it up, we never say HIS Name – and I think that’s tragic!


Words have meaning and Names have power!  The Name YHWH has meaning, and teaches the faithful of their CREATOR.  The Name gives the faithful place in YHWH’s Universe.  When fighting the darkness, the faithful need to have powerful spiritual power tools, and that begins with knowing and invoking YHWH’s Name.  And it is especially supercharged when you end you prayer to YHWH in the name of HIS Messiah, Yahshua.


Here are some more Biblical references: “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them,” Matthew 18:20.  “…the name of God and His doctrine may not be blasphemed,” 1Timothy 6:1, see also Exodus 20:7.  For more info on GOD’s Name log on: http://www.homeworship101.com/bb-c1_top_god.htm

Also see my webpage: http://www.homeworship101.com/wp_10_commands.htm


“He who has an ear,

let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat.

And I will give him a white stone,

and on the stone a new name written

which no one knows except him who receives it.”

- Revelation 2:17


We do not change YAHWEH's message - His message changes us!  One must remember we are learning about YHWH’s plan of salvation – not mans idea of salvation.  Learning YHWH’s higher spiritual truths shouldn’t start wars or break families apart – that only happens when the influential are afraid of losing their power over the people.  I named my company “White Stone Communications” because when I learned of YAHWEH’s real spiritual truths and mysteries I discussed them with my wife and then we adopted them (we put off our old life and began anew).  For my wife and I it has been a fascinating journey of learning.  Learning about YHWH’s Covenants, learning about YHWH’s Holy Days, learning about YHWH’s Spiritual Power-tools, and learning about YHWH’s plan to save us from the evil chaos of this world has been a great comfort to us.  All the spiritual lessons point to YHWH’S Kingdom and understanding them brings us peace.  Peace of the mind, peace of the heart, peace for the growth of the spirit, peace in our house, peace in our community, and peace to our nation.  The greatest joy any soul can experience is sharing this knowledge with someone else. 


“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”

- IIIJohn 4


Enjoy the journey of learning…


Ø       Belief in GOD is NOT a Religion: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2003_11.htm

Ø       Ego Religion: http://www.homeworship101.com/wp_ego_religion.htm

Ø       Thinking Persons Religion; http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2005_01.htm

Ø       Spiritual Warfare: http://www.homeworship101.com/bkspirtural_warfare.htm

Ø       Covenant Theology: http://www.homeworship101.com/NL_2006_02.htm



Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for all those who stand with Israel (Ps.122).


Take care.  Peace and blessings, Errol.


Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire

  e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com

website: www.homeworship101.com


WSC Newsletter 2008-13, posted 10/31/08.


Copyright © 2008 Errol Mueller.  All rights reserved.  Short quotations, page copying, or redistribution for personal or non-commercial group study is permitted and encouraged, provided they are copied in total with no alterations or deletions.  Author’s name, website address, and copyright notice must be included.  If any other use is desired, written permission is required.


Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.

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