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Pope Watch and Prophecy 

Greetings from HomeWorship 101

“In the final persecution of the church
there will reign Peter the Roman,
who will feed his flock through many tribulations,
after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed
and the dreadful judge will judge the people.”

The late Pope John Paul II has now been laid to rest and the process to elect a new pope begins.  It is interesting to note that today in the area of the Vatican where all the portraits of the popes are displayed, there is only enough space allocated for two more future portraits.  Although they won’t admit it, it is because of the prophecies that says there will be 112 popes and then comes the destruction of the city in the seven hills (the Vatican).  Pope John Paul II was the 110th pope and if the prophecies hold true there will be one short-term transition pope and then the last evil-defector pope.  The late pope John Paul II knew this and he tried to elect as many conservative cardinals as he could.  An interesting book on the Vatican’s role in the new world order (the iron and clay coming together Dan.2:33) is “The Keys of this Blood” by the former Jesuit priest Malachi Martin. 

The Roman Catholic Church always felt that the Protestants were a part of the Roman church that has gone astray and with the right coaxing they will come back.  Today the Protestants still hold to most of the Catholic religious holidays and habits.  In Europe, today’s generation either doesn’t care, or don’t even know the differences between Catholics and Protestants.  The last pope will be empowered by the dark-side as never before; he will be a very charismatic and a defector pope.  Along with the unusual world circumstances he will organize the world church.  Today’s prelude to this is the World Councils of Churches and when the churches unite with the Vatican – GOD help us.  The Bible calls this aberration the Great Harlot Rev.17:1-6, for a simple chronicle of events log on to my prophecy pages http://www.homeworship101.com/bb-c9_prophecy_trib02B.htm

The ancient prophecies of these horrific end-time events were foretold in the 11th century by the Irish Bishop Máel Máedoc Morgair.  He introduced Roman Catholic Liturgy to Ireland and presumably had gifts of healing, prophecy and miracles. After his death he was canonized as Saint Mallachy (1094?-1148).  He listed the names of all the popes and their unique descriptions.  To date Mallachy is 100% correct, and chillingly so, he predicted that the description of the 110th pope would be "De Labore Solis,” meaning toil/effort/distress/suffering of the sun.  The difficult-to-translate Latin expression could well be a reference to an eclipse of the sun.  Isn’t it a strange coincidence that the late John Paul II was the 110th pope and he was born and buried on the day of a solar eclipse? 

I’ll quote from existing sources:

“In 1130, when he was on a pilgrimage to Rome to have an audience with Pope Innocent II, at the sight of the "immortal City" he had a vision of all the popes from his time until the end-time!  These predictions "Prophetia de Futuribus Pontificidbus Romanis" were presented to Innocent II and misplaced in Vatican archives, but later they were published in 1596 by a Benedict Monk.

Malachy predicted a succession line of 112 popes and their characteristics in the form of thumbnail sketches that he wrote down in little rhymes.  According to Mallachy's predictions the present Polish Pope from Krakow, is now 110, and so we have one more Pope to go, called "Gloria Olivae" before the very last one… "Petrus Romanus", about whom he wrote:

"In the final persecution of the church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock through many tribulations, after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful judge will judge the people."

Does it seem pretty clear that what this seems to imply is that, …we are running out of time?”

Here is a quote from another source:

The prophecy of Malachi

"Oh, this is the document about saint Malachi."

"It says he was born in Ireland (1094--1148) and appointed priest in the year as young as 25, which was unusual.  He became archbishop when he was 41 years old.  His name, Malachi means 'the one who was sent'."


"He wrote 'The prophecy of the Popes' in which he seems to have predicted each Pope after the 165th Popes, which totaled 112 in number.  His authoring is known as in 1139 but opened to public in 1595."


"He predicted names, the birthplaces, emblems, the positions before they are chosen the Popes and so on in a short expression."


"For example from the first Pope --The castle of the Tebere River--The chased enemy--The big mountain-- The Slavic priest----and so on."


"And the present Pope is 110th and expressed as 'The labor of Sun'."


"This prophecy has become famous as these short expression expresses precisely the characters of each Pope.  Next Pope is expressed as 'Glory of olive'."


"And the last 112th one has the longer explanation."

“When Roman Catholic suffers last persecution, the Roman, Peter takes the position of the Pope.  The Roman, Peter keeps the lambs in the midst of sufferings.  After these sufferings are over, the towns on the seven hills collapse and horrible judgments are delivered to people.”

For those who can see, prophecies of the conquering Messiah are unfolding in front of our eyes, and watching prophecy has never been so exciting since the time when the prophecies of the suffering Messiah had been fulfilled. 

Pray for our future.
Peace and blessings, Errol.
Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
  e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
website: www.homeworship101.com
Posted 04/13/05

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