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US National Day of Thanksgiving 

Happy Thanksgiving Day

Greetings from HomeWorship 101™


"In everything give thanks,

for this is the will of God..." 

- 1Thessalonians 5:18

Thanksgiving Day, is a traditional North American holiday to give thanks to our CREATOR for the blessings of the yearly harvest season. Giving thanks is very important to our CREATOR, and America’s founding leaders knew their Bibles well.  They set aside the 4th Thursday of November (this year it is today the 24th), as a national Thanksgiving Day.  The holiday dates back to pilgrams in early 1600’s.  A national day, setaside to give thanks to our CREATOR was so important to the early settlers, that George Washington made it a permanent holiday in 1789.  Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States, and on the second Monday of October in Canada.

George Washington’s 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation:

“Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me "to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness…” 

Wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear such bold and powerful words from today’s political leadership?  There are many Scriptural commands to give thanks, and up until the time of President Abraham Lincoln our political headship had no problem in publicly doing so.  When it comes to answering the GOD question, our early leadership boldly went where none have gone before.  America’s founders were the only ones that built a nation that would glorify our CREATOR instead of some earthly king or leader.  To commemorate those ideals, they proclaimed to the whole nation that on this day, stop your daily work, gather with friends and family, devote some time to home worship, table fellowship, and give thanks.  

All glory goes to our CREATOR.
(Luke 2:14; John 10:25, 14:12-15)

It is interesting to note that “Thanksgiving Day” was designed to be a national ‘home Worship’ holiday.  George Washington first proclaimed the holiday as a day to gather with friends and family, share the autumn harvest bounties, and to give thanks.  Traditionally, the spiritual highlight of the Thanksgiving event was staged around table-fellowship.  Today the day still is much the same as it was in his time.  People travel a great deal to be together with family and spend a day with home with food, fun, and fellowship.  In our multi-ethnic nation, food, music, and dance might vary, but typically, the main event would be when everyone joins around the dinner table, kindles the two main candles, and says a prayer of thanks…  But, just exactly, whom are we thanking?  The Bible clearly states, all glory goes to our CREATOR (Luke 2:14; John 10:25, 14:12-15).  It sounds simple, yet there is much confusion because people like to twist or rewrite Bible passages to suit there own point of view. For example…

Some would say we give thanks to Jehovah-God, but technically speaking Jehovah is not or CREATOR’S Name.  The word Jehovah is a Christian invention from the European middle ages.  Je-hovah is a hybrid name; the suffix “hovah” in Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary #1943 means ruin, mischief.  “Havvah,” is another form of hovah #1942 and means ruin, calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous, perverse, very wickedness.  In the Bible, names, to put it simply, become a type of job description of the person to whom the name is given, and Jehovah is more the definition of Satan then it is our CREATOR.  And Jewish scholars have never accepted Jehovah as the name for GOD.

Some would say it’s the “Christian God” that we worship.  Personally I was always puzzled over the term “Christian God,” or “Jesus is God.”  Does that mean Jesus is now our CREATOR?  Please excuse my cynical reaction, but exactly where in the Bible does it state that Jesus was elevated from being the Messiah to the CREATOR?  I always believed they are two distinct people because Yahshua sits at His FATHER’S right hand (Mar.16:19). 

Some Jews, as they say, to show respect when referencing our CREATOR write the word G-d.  I was always curious as how to pronounce G-d.  The truth is, GOD or G-d, is not a name, it is a title, and history tells us of many different gods through the ages.  I would like to know why a title for a pagan “god” should be used to reference our CREATOR?  G-d, god, and GOD, all sound the same to me when I say it out loud?  (Note: I type all references to our CREATOR in capitol letters for two reasons: for clarity, and because it is a name that is above all others.)

Arabs say Allah.  But that name, like Jehovah, is their invention and it cannot be proved by Biblical archeology.

Some say Lord.  In my humble opinion, that title is also troublesome.  I once owed rental property and people used to call me landlord.  England and Europe is full of men with the title “lord.”  It has always bothered me to pray using Lord when mere mortals use the same title as our Messiah or CREATOR.  I have always wondered, if as many people say GOD doesn’t exist, or has no place in government, then why do leaders always try to impersonate or copy HIM?

Language can be maddening.  But our CREATOR is not the author of confusion.  One of the most widely known words in the world is “Hallelujah,” it is a Hebrew word meaning, “Praise you-YAH.”  The Hebrew phrase “Hallelu-YAH” is heard the world over and sounds the same in all languages, curiously few people understand what they are saying.  You will find the Sacred Name referenced nearly 7,000 times in ancient Bible manuscripts and it is proven by archeology.  Known as the “Tetragrammaton,” they are the four consonants standing for the Hebrew name YHWH.  The true pronunciation of the Sacred Name YHWH was never lost” (Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol.7, p.679).  The word has been transliterated to English as “YAHWEH.”  In all the English translations of the Bible, the only reference to YAHWEH other then the New Jerusalem Bible (where it is used extensively) is in Psalms 68:4 in the King James Bible.  (Log on: http://www.homeworship101.com/bb-c1_top_god.htm )

"The beginning of wisdom
is to call things by their right names." 
- Chinese proverb

Words have meaning, but names have power!  I always get arguments when I talk on this subject.  Most forget there is a difference, there are many titles used to reference our CREATOR, but HE has only one name.  When studying spiritual truths, knowledge begins by calling things by their correct “names.”  As I said before, names in the Bible are a type of job description.  Our CREATORS real and Sacred Name YHWH means eternal, endlessness, everlasting.  YHWH is the most powerful living Spirit in the entire universe.  YHWH was before all else, and the CREATOR of all.  Now that is a name loaded with meaning.  Arguments aside, the name has been hidden by the Bible translators and pastors, because of fear or prejudice, in all the English translations of the Bible the only reference to YHWH other than the New Jerusalem Bible is in Psalms 68:4 in the King James Bible.

Today a person taking supplemental educational courses for business (by Dale Carnegie for example) learns the first rule of success is the importance of remembering peoples names, and pronouncing them properly.  Our name is the first word we learn when we are born, and is very important to us.  We would not turn around and acknowledge someone if they do not address us by our proper name.  A Gallop poll finds that 96% of adults say they believe in GOD or a UNIVERSAL SPIRIT - with so many believers you would think more people would know his real name. 

Research indicates, spiritual matters, matter, and people want answers to life’s tough problems.  Tough problems call for tough answers, and knowing the powerful name of the CREATOR is a good place to start when searching for spiritual truth.  A person's given name does not change from language to language.  Names are 'transliterated,' that is, the very sound is brought over to another language.  For example, the English name Jerusalem, comes from the Hebrew name Yerushalayim (pronounced Ye-ru-sha-la-yim).  Other examples are Coca-Cola, Gorbachev, Mercedes, Toyota, Sony, Yeltsin, Kohl, Ho-Chi-Min, Arafat, Rabin, Marcos, etc.  

In the 900 plus languages in which Bibles are translated it is strange to see the many names given to our CREATOR other than the proper name, and about the same number of arguments against using it.  Ironically, Satan's name does not change, "Satan" is recognized in all languages! 

The Sacred Name is revealed, and commanded to be used for all generations to come, in Exodus 3:15(NJB) God further said to Moses, “You are to tell the Israelites, YAHWEH, the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.  This is my name for all time, and thus I am to be invoked for all generations to come.”  There are close to a hundred other passages in the Hebrew Bible commanding its use.  The Prophet Malachi states the Sacred Name was given to be used by all believers, the Israelites and the gentiles (Mal.1:11).  I often wonder, what mere mortal has the right to change the Biblical command?

Our Thanksgiving Day is about the only holiday that hasn’t been ruined by commercialism.  But the secularists are still trying to remove our CREATOR from the holiday by wishing people a “happy turkey day, ” instead of a Happy Thanksgiving.  Don’t let the misguided secularists, and the misinformed theologians derail you.  Follow our founder’s footsteps and boldly proclaim that we give thanks to our CREATOR, YAHWEH.  Scriptures clearly state, whether you know the Messiah or not, Christian or Jew, all glory goes to our CREATOR, and America’s path leads to YHWH and HIS Word. 

The colonists endured much hardship when they settled this country, but their faith never wavered (click for their story).  Their hardships brought us the Bible and much spiritual knowledge free for all to study.  Today, we should not take for granted all the blessings we have.  Say a heartfelt prayer of thanks for all the blessings of our CREATOR YHWH (Ps.100).  And in these times of great geo-political stress, pray that our CREATOR’S Blessings continue.  

“And whatever you do in word or deed,
do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
- Colossians 3:17

Enjoy the journey of learning...

> Be thankful, log on: http://www.homeworship101.com/wp_be_thankful.htm

> Name log on: http://www.homeworship101.com/bb-c1_top_god.htm  

Take care.  Peace and blessings, Errol.
Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
  e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
website: www.homeworship101.com
WSC Newsletter 2011-12, posted 11/23/11.

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