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Spiritual Warfare

Greetings from HomeWorship 101

Once in a while someone will write me and ask, “What’s the big deal about the chronological order of the Bible?”  Personally, there are three things in the religious world that annoy me the most: Religious snobs, those who would use their religion as a club, and the helter-skelter manner in which the Bible is taught.

The Bible is an interesting paradox in that it is the best selling book ever, yet sadly, it is also one of the most misunderstood books ever.  There are many Bible owners out there, but few people really understand what they are holding in their hands.  Is that the fault of the laity who do not want to know spiritual truth?  Or is it the "religiously correct clergy" who really do not want to teach it?

Maybe it’s the German in me that likes things neat and orderly, but you might know what I mean.  Some groups teach only the front of the Bible, and some others teach only the back of the Bible.  Sometimes they teach about the birth of Christ, and sometimes it’s about Christ’s death, but mostly it’s random moral teachings taken from certain verses or events of the Bible.  Few people really teach the whole Bible in a logical manner.

            I remember in grade school when we learned the multiplication tables; we started at the beginning, 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, and so on.  This way of teaching is easy to understand and makes it’s easier to see when mistakes creep in.  I think it should be the same with the Biblical lessons.  In ancient times they called it “stringing pearls.”  The idea is that nobody just beamed in - humanity is here by a logical sequence of events.  So we should carefully chose our pearls of wisdom and add it to the string in the proper order. 

           The focus of my spiritual necklace is the creation story - from chaos to eternity.  It is a very long and complex story, so the string for my spiritual necklace was a timeline, and then in time order, I added the major events I knew about, Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and so on up to the final Judgment Day.  As I learned more information, I continued to add it to the timeline.  Thankfully, today’s computers make this work easier, what started out as a couple of dozen pages, in time, grew into many hundreds of pages. 

The Bible is the textbook of spiritual warfare, and that is the theme of my spiritual necklace.  The ancient texts tell us our struggle is not against our fellow humans, but with the rulers of the cosmic powers governing this darkness, and with the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm (Eph.6:12).  Spiritual warfare is serious business, the dark powers are great and must be conquered individually - no one can do it for you. 

Think for a moment, what is your vision of Heaven?  And what is your method of getting there?  The purpose of my book and web site is addressing our individual relationship with the higher powers.  Confucius said, “To lead an untrained people to war is to throw them away.”  One cannot fight this spiritual war with force; to win, one has to understand the higher spiritual order of everything.  But who teaches us this understanding?  When we are alone and face our spiritual battles, it is the training from our houses of worship that should help us to prevail against the darkness.  But are they really teaching us this? 

For all you spiritual tenderfoots out there, I know it’s a downer, but the traditional orthodox academia does not uncover the spiritual truths - they bury them.  Let’s go back to the multiplication table analogy to express what I have found very frustrating in Biblical religious teachings.  Some teachers may be prejudice to the number “2” or “8” so they don’t include it in their teachings.  Then their multiplication tables do not work correctly and they start something called advanced mathematics!  Meaning, they then take great pains to fog the story - create confusion - in an effort to hide their errors and prejudice.  Some other teachers may say the number “6” doesn’t even exist, and their story will never make any sense, no matter how advanced they think they are. 

To uncover the spiritual truths, critical thinking is a must.  The first lesson is to test everything (Act.17:11).  Humanity has to remember that it is our CREATOR’S plan of salvation that we are watching, not our own.  Learning the Creation story in time order locks the story together like a train, one event leads to the next, and this way makes it harder for false teachings to creep in.  The minions of orthodoxy like to mix up the story to make it more difficult to learn – lest we discover their arrogance and prejudice.

So how do we qualify spiritual truth?  Many people say religions are the cause of wars.  I have found that whether religious or secular, the root cause of most wars and bloodshed in humanity, past and present, is basically over which mere mortal “controls” the people, and the information they are force-fed.  There is a way to corroborate the pure teachings.  Ask yourself: Which teachings throughout history have had the greatest bloodshed around them in order to “subvert,” or “extinguish” them?  It was not the teachings of Plato, Francis Beacon, Darwin, or Karl Marx.  It was YHWH’S Words in:

•The teachings of Adam and Eve.
•The teachings of Noah, the Tribes of Shem, and Abraham.
•The teachings of Moses.
•The teachings of the Hebrew Testament Prophets.
•The teachings of Yahshua-Jesus, and His Apostles.
•The teachings of the first century Messianic Judeo/Christian leaders.
•The teachings of Sabbath and Sacred Name Keepers.
•The teachings of the Protestant Reformers.
•The work of the brave men who translated the Bible into the language of the common people.

The proper teachings are recognized with ease.  One can know them without fail because they awaken within you that sensation which tells you that this is something you have always known.  And when people are given truthful information, they are then able to make the correct spiritual decisions.

Over time, my spiritual necklace has grown to 12 major - hard earned - pearls of wisdom.  Here is another one of those good campfire discussions: What do you think are the major spiritual warfare battles?  In my humble opinion, I have chronicled the events into 12 major – pearls - spiritual battles.  The work you see today in my book and web site is originally from my spiritual necklace called “Spiritual Warfare: A Chronicle of the 12 Major Earthly Battles.  Nine have been, three are yet to come.”

1: The Creation
2: The Time of the Flood
3: Ancient Israel
4: The Nazarenes
5: Emperor Constantine of Rome
6: The Muslims
7: The Protestant Reformation
8: The United States of America
9: Modern Israel
10: The Tribulation Period
11: The Conquering Messiah
12: The Great White Throne Judgment

For a little more detail log on to: http://www.homeworship101.com/bkspirtural_warfare.htm

            (Research trivia: For those who like to watch the Divine numbers, it is interesting to note that the “12” chapters in Spiritual Warfare and my online Bible Boot-Camp, or the “8” chapters in the online Spiritual Power-Tools, just sort of worked out that way I never preplanned any specific numbers.)

Over the years, my chronicle was getting a little too big for a first time author / publisher and I was praying and wondering where the Holy Spirit and my good Angel was leading me.  During my research of the very first Christians - the Nazarenes - and their Holy Days, I was inspired with a idea to produce a précis - abridged - version which is my HomeWorship 101Ô book / website, and I’ll talk about it in the next newsletter.

Please remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem...  Ps.122.

Take care.  Blessings, Errol.
Errol Mueller, chronicler extraordinaire
 e-mail: errol@homeworship101.com
 website: www.homeworship101.com
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Copyright © 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.
#WSC 2003-02  Posted 02/27/03
Copyright © 2003 White Stone Communications 
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